Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oprah Show today

I'm not an Oprah fan AT ALL... I hate her show and how she is a one upper LOL however today I was flipping channels and the subject was eating healthy! Which has been a big thing for me lately. We are trying alternative methods of eating in our house to start being healthy.

I think people think if they are not over weight they don't need to worry, about health WRONG!!!

Here are some facts from the show:

1. People who skip breakfast altogether are 450 percent more likely to become overweight.

2. Things like 'multigrain' only means there are different grains used. They may still be refined grains. 'Whole grain' is much better.

3. It takes about 12 exposures to a taste for kids to finally say, 'You know what, I think that's okay.

4. On average, children consume 450 calories a day from beverages alone—nearly twice as many as 30 years ago. Fruit juices average 120 calories a glass, sodas average 150 calories a can and shakes average about 700 calories.

5. You need to stop eating Enriched Flour (Enriched) means they took all the good stuff out and put a little back. In 1960, Americans didn't use enriched flour, but today we consume 63 pounds a year.

6. Stop eating white foods.... White foods—including bleached flour. The only white items you should have in your fridge are egg whites, cauliflower and fish.

7. Keep in mind—polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good for you and help fight depression.

8. 50 percent of the sugar we eat comes from "fat free" foods like salad dressings and soft drinks. In fact, young women get about half their daily calories from salad dressing!

9. The number one predictor of how long you're going to live is how well you can exercise your heart.

10. A simple change from 2 percent milk to 1 to skim, and 100 calories a day is over 10 pounds a year.

Here are a few ways we have changed our habits in our house:
We now have breakfast daily. We have a protein shake with 1 cup of skim milk and 1 1/2 cups of fruit.
We eat ground turkey instead of red meats, and usually no one knows I made the substitution.
We have healthy snacks that are easy to grab; string cheese, salt free peanuts, fat free yogurt, and lots of fruit.
We are drinking at least 72 ounces of water a day.


Melissa said...

Thanks for posting this! I always argue with people about breakfast!

MindyElias said...

i love this! we are going to be the hot elias girls that you don't want to mess with!

We'll do an updated album cover :)

Tracey said...

I love this britt, We too have converted over to eating better back at the beginning of this year. We naturally lost weight & you feel so much better when you eat like you are wired to eat. Way back when, they never had grocery stores to go and purchase all your garbage, like you do now. Whole wheat & white meat is he best way to go. Ground chicken is yummy too!! (just had it tonight :))