Friday, May 1, 2009

Something positive!

I decided it was time to blog about something positive! Some of my posts seem gloom and doom so I want to post about the things I love!


I love PINK, all things PINK, my eyes are drawn to the color PINK!

I love taking hot lavender bubble baths at night

I love the sound of a newborn babies first cry

I LOVE chocolate cake

I love having my toes painted with a fun design

I love when my finger nails are painted PINK

I love salty foodscrab1

I LOVE seafood, Crab, Lobster, Scallops, Shrimp

I love elephants

I love to chew bubble gum, PINK bubble gum

I love flip flops

I LOVE camping and fishing, and swimming in the lakeFire

I love traveling

I love camp fires and cooking over an open flame

I love fresh flowers

I LOVE m n m’s

I love zip up hoodies

I love ice tea

I love greeting cards, I have a secret addiction to purchasing greeting cards


Precious Erin said...

Love your positive blog...and love that we love the same things!

Kris said...

What a cute post! I didn't know that about the greeting cards. Too funny.