Monday, May 4, 2009

Not me Monday!


Not me Monday is back! Now that McKMama is back home with her sweet baby Stellan, we are joining the Not me Monday Circus again!

This week I didn’t take an ambien, sleep for 2 hours to be awoken by a text message and proceed to have a very OPEN conversation with that person via text, only to wake up horrified by some of the things I said…. Nope not me!

This past week I didn’t fake sick on a date so I didn’t have to spend another minute with the person because I felt like poking out my eyeballs with each passing minute of the date! Nope not me, I wouldn’t dream of lying to someone!

This week I didn’t completely blow off 2 guys because I find them incredibly boring and couldn’t bear the thought of another date with them, so I just stopped responding to their texts and emails… Nope not me that would be so rude!

On my 2 days off of work this week, I didn’t just wear a hat instead of washing my hair each day.... Nope not me, that’d be gross!

This past week, I didn’t finish off my secret stash of chocolate frosting I keep in the cabinet, for days when I just want a spoon full of icing! Nope not me, I wouldn’t have cheated on my diet by finishing off the last 2 spoon fulls! (And then replaced the lid and placed it back in the cabinet so no one would see the empty container in the trash)

1 comment:

Kris said...

Too funny! You always make me laugh with these:)