Monday, April 13, 2009

Need help!

Ok I need some sincere advice here, and I don’t want the answer “Live and let live, or this is the circle of life” Ok, this is serious!

As most of you know we moved to south Chandler, and we back up to the San Tan Mountain, as a result we have all sorts of fun critters inside our house! Last week there was a bird inside our house!

Ok here is the question, we have lizards inside the house some are small about 3 inches all the way up to the big 21 incher I had a few weeks ago. Sometimes I can catch them and get them outside but otherwise like last night we couldn’t catch it, and now I don’t know where it is! I need suggestions how do we prevent them from coming inside our home, I tried to Google options and mostly I got the following answers:

1. Get a cat… Umm we have 2 and clearly they are useless

2. Live and let live they are harmless…. Totally disgusting who wants lizards running around the house?

3. They are good for the house they kill the bugs…. That is why we have an exterminator….

So I need some real suggestions please!!!


JECKBECK (Erin) said...

I hate lizards. I think I would move :)

Tracey said...

OMG you poor thing!!

I would think you need to check your seals at your doors, they can flatten themselves out like snakes! Sorry....I hate the "S" word too. Get rid of the doggy door too if you have one!

Love the new blog...I just found one on that website today matter of fact! So many choices online now...You know of any other good sites for blog templates??

Kris said...

My cat eats could have him. Lol
Seriously though, that sucks, Sorry:(