Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dating Scene!

(this picture is just for humor)

And so the dating begins again.......

I had lunch with a guy hmmmmm I need a good Pseudonym for him, ah ha I got it, Christian Chris, ok so we met at Pita Jungle on Wed. we had a great lunch and sat there and talked for a very long time... He really reminded me of a guy from junior high that I used to date lol, We'll see if there is a date number 2 or not... He has a daughter that he has Mon-Fri so between his parenting and my schedule we'll see if it's in the cards...

Today I met Jason (no pseudonym yet) in north Scottsdale for some Thai food...... I don't think there will be a 2nd date, he was odd, and had yellow teeth, I know I'm mean, but I just didn't feel anything... Oh, and a word to the wise, if you don't have a gallbladder then DON'T eat Thai food :)

I had a great week off, Kris and I went out to Olive Garden and there new Chicken & Gnocchi soup is delicious! I did some shopping, and hung around the house with everyone home.. Bethany cooked every night she was off, she is quite the chef!

Last night we spent several hours in the ER with Danielle, her headache was the worst it's been ever an it was accompanied by throwing up, anyone in the medical field will think ICP, so I was a titch worried, but several meds and IV's later she was discharged home with more prescriptions. I have emailed Barrows and a few other places looking for help for her, her quality of life is crummy and she needs answers, so please keep her in your prayers!

PS I HAD to change my background, I hated the other Thanksgiving one!


JECKBECK (Erin) said...

Glad to see you have joined the world of the living again! Have fun on your dating adventures.

PS- Yellow teeth! That's a deal breker for sure.

MindyElias said...

You are hysterical.........I can't believe you wrote on my blog, for all the world to see, "I'm not a man hater...."

HaHAHHAAH. so funny.


PS---I still believe in fabulous.