So I FiNaLlY got in to see the Endocrinologist (thyroid specialist) I drove 45 minutes to get to her office, I spent $30.00 for a co-pay, I sat there and filled out a 15 page packet, then was called back to the exam room to wait. The Dr. came in promptly, however she never picked up my 15 page packet of symptoms, and family history etc. She sat down with her laptop and typed away and asked me a few questions.....
I've decided I'm not a fan of the new way offices computer chart, and now I know how some patients must feel when they are trying to give birth and someone is clicking away next to them.. That is the #1 reason I NEVER chart at the bedside, I think it is the rudest thing! I digress, back to my story.....
So she says "Everything looks good, your dr. is on the right track. She is managing your care nicely".......
SO, I say "what about the labs, the nodules, the constant weight gain, fatigue, heart palpitations, excessive thirst, so on and so on. She said that with my thyroid medication is starting to work, however I will have to work hard at my weight loss etc.
She finally got up and touched my thyroid and said "Oh yes, there is something noticable sitting here on your thyroid, maybe we do need a scan." I was thinking "No kidding?"
So then she discussed a few labs she wants me to do. I have to do a 2 hour glucose test tomorrow morning BBBBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, anyone who has had a baby knows how disgusting that is! So after palpation of my thyroid she ordered another batch of tests and wants to see me next week!
1 comment:
Please, Please, Please keep us updated with the results from your different "tests" you will be having.
I am so sorry you have to do the Glucose test...Trust me...I know x4 how horrible it really is!! All I can say is I hope you get the orange flavor!
We are very sorry you are going through all this.
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