Sometimes going to bars dressed up is fun...

I Learned
When I Turned 30!
This year I have learned probably the best lessons of my life... I was so excited to turn 30 because I felt like I would finally be considered an adult, and finally be out of my 20's... Little did I know that I would learn such valuable lessons...
Always trust your spirit... When your instinct is telling you something, listen! Our greatest voice is the one that speaks to us from within, it knows when something isn't right.
Be a good friend... Your girlfriends will see you through moments you thought were impossible.
Learn to forgive and learn when to walk away.. I have done a lot of forgiving this year but I had to learn when it was time to walk away.. Even if it was 0430 in the morning...
I've learned that no matter what you need to take care of yourself first and do what's best for you.
I've learned that your laughter does make your spirit feel better, and sometimes all you need is humor to make even the worse things see ok...
I could go on and on about my life lessons over the past year... But the most important thing I learned through all of this, is that my Mom does know what she is talking about, she does know best, and she is always right. I wish it wouldn't have taken me 30 years to figure that out, it could have saved me a lot of heartache, and craziness....
So now, I just call my mom up and ask her whatever I have a question to, and she just tells me the answer.... I tried to explain this to my sisters the other day and they "Pfffffff" me and rolled their eyes.....
They'll learn at some point, that she does know what she's talking about and she has been there and done that and she does know what is best for her girls....
So he took me back to my car and then I went to work.
This guy is amazing... I'm wondering if it is too good to be true, or is it just time I've met Mr. Right.