Friday, July 3, 2009

I bet this is what artists feel when they hit a road block. I keep sitting here staring at my blank screen waiting for some profound words to come pouring out…….. And nothing…..

I do have many thoughts racing through my head. It is sad that we have become such a hi tech society that we have so many social networks out there, because I think it helps us to deviate away from face to face conversations. How much easier is it to “post” on someone’s wall “hey how are you?” instead of picking up the phone and calling that person.

Tonight I did a little reminiscing via text of course with an old friend from 10+ years ago, “Prince Charming Cowboy”. Do you know what I remember most, sitting outside of work or his house talking. I know what a concept huh? We actually sat around talking to each other in person. Perhaps that is why we had such a good friendship, because we talked to each other.

{Yeah, there is a chapter floating out there in my computer about that Prince Charming Cowboy… I just haven’t posted it yet… Soon….}

I’m grateful that I know people who still don’t text, because those are phone conversations I look forward to each week.

Before you send your next text message to someone asking how they are, why not pick up the phone and call them instead, or meet them in person?



MindyElias said...

I think this is hysterical since we just talked about this last weekend when you were going through mom's phone AND she had text messages from YOU and she doesn't test LOL :)


Kris said...

I hear that. I feel like I never call anyone anymore because anything that is worth while to talk about I post on our blog or on facebook. I am seriously considering not doing them anymore. It is just hard to let go once you start:)