Monday, March 7, 2011

11 and 4

It is indescribable to see how the baby grows week to week!! Our baby is getting so big, you can see it's defined lips and nose!! This was our nuchal translucency ultra sound! I had horrible nightmares the night before, I am really beginning to believe I know too much from a medical standpoint for my own good!
However the tech was great and reassured me right away that the intestines were all sealed inside his/her belly, the spinal cord was nicely closed, and the nuchal fold only measured .8!! In my nightmare it measured 3.4!!!

I was feeling good for about 4 days, then the morning sickness started up with a vengeance!! I am now on Reglan, Phenergan, Scolpamine patches, Steroids and getting a Zofran pump today!!!

I can't wait until I am feeling 100% again!! I'm so grateful for my group of doctor's well really one in particular, she has been so patient with me and doesn't make me feel like a crazed labor nurse!!!

On another note, we are headed to court next week for our final custody decision.....

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