Monday, September 16, 2013

Colonoscopy Preparation

Disclaimer: This is a play by play of my experience using Movi Prep bowel prep. For others who might need tips with their colonoscopy prep. Don't read it if your grossed out easily...     


I started my clears this morning with lemonade I wasn't too hungry so I was feeling ok. My blood sugar dropped and I felt symptomatic so I made another tall glass of lemonade. This time I mixed in a dose of Miralax because I wanted to soften up any stool that I did have.

Around 12 I made Mrs. grass chicken noodle soup minus the noodles. It was good and filling and I had more water with that. Around 130 I was getting ravenously hungry so I had 2 containers of jello. I opted to nap with my son so that I wouldn't think about being hungry. We woke around 3 and I made another lemonade. We ran to the grocery store with my mom so I could buy more clears.

I found Italian Ice, Popsicles,  golden mushroom soup (not the creamed kind), French onion soup, powerade, and Werthers originals. I got a few other hard candies!!

At 5pm I poured my first glass of 8oz. I had prepared it this morning and had it in the refrigerator so it would be cold. I drank it with a straw and had another class of cold powerade ready to sip right after. It wasn't horrible. It was cold, salty and lemony. It reminded me of a bad alcohol drink. I was able to get it almost drank when I needed to add ice to cool it down again. It is MUCH better cold!!! 

15 minutes later I had to drink my next 8oz. This time I felt full so I just opted to drink it fast in the glass with the straw and then finish with Powearde. I sucked a Worthers original after to get the after taste out of my mouth.

Still no bowel movement but boy is my bladder full!!!

530 I pretty much dreaded glass 3, I felt so bloated!!! I took my glass with I and a straw and stared at a picture of my son and slammed it again. I needed a focal point, some motivation. 

535 I was in the bathroom to empty my bladder and I had my first bought of diarrhea. 

Ugh round number four it's not the best but mind over matter it's the last one... This time I had to take it to the bathroom with me because of the urgency to go! 


6pm everything has been downed, Bleh, I probably won't ever drink blue powerad again!! My stool is mostly water and still a little discolored.

I made the golden mushroom soup and couldn't eat it, it was so gross!! I didn't even bother with the other clear liquid diet items I had bought. 

 We were headed to bed so I had a few more trips to the bathroom. By 7pm everything was clear with just a slight blue tint lol. Alarm set for 415am.... 

I took a Benederyl to help me sleep because I knew I would wake up with hunger pains...

I am glad I had read on another blog to buy flushable wipes and use desitin, by bed time my bum was sore!! 

Colonoscopy day:

415am alarm goes off, I go pour my drink, I spent about 15 minutes staring at it.. NO one wants to drink that first thing in the morning. I have a bm it's mostly clear. I make the executive decision to drink just 8 oz. of the drink. I drink it and I wait..... 445 I decide to lay down, just as I get comfortable with my pillows and snuggling my son, the urgency of the bathroom arises!! I go have a watery stool again, this time it is yellow like stomach bile, which makes sense as I haven't eaten since the night before. I have a 2 more bowel movements and am able to go back to sleep for a few hours.

After my colonoscopy my Doctor showed me images of my colon he told me I did an excellent job cleaning out my colon. :) I suppose that's a compliment?? Lol

All in all it wasn't bad and yes I will opt to do Moviprep again in 5 years!

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